Hosting Options
You can host EventCatalog anywhere you want, as it's just static content.
EventCatalog will also support Server Side Rendering (SSR)
EventCatalog currently exports a static website. In the future EventCatalog will support server features and give you the option to host the application with a server to provide this functionality.
Here are some guides and places you can host static content
Community posts
- Using AWS CDK to Deploy EventCatalog
- Using Netlify to host Static Content
- How to create an EventCatlaog with Azure
- Autonomous EventCatalog for documenting EventBridge Events
Hosting with Docker
EventCatalog comes with a DockerFile you can build the image and deploy the container. The container exposes ports 3000
To build the docker container you need to run:
# Builds the container
docker build -t eventcatalog .
# Runs the container locally
docker run -p 3000:80 -it eventcatalog